Bulk update: poems in print, papers past proof

I’m spending the next weeks hanging out at the Convention for Biological Diversity and at the UNFCCC COP, but a brief update - I’ve got a bunch of poems in print! And a paper in a real journal.

Poems: A suite (“riparian blues”) has been published in Rising Tides, an anthology commissionned and edited by the fabulous Catriona Sandilands. I got the chance to go to Toronto a few weeks ago for the book’s launch, and read next to real poets and real researchers; I felt very small.

And three poems will be published in Riddle Fence, NL’s most wonderful journal of arts and culture, this December.

Finally - the first paper from my Ph.D. is out in the Journal of Rural Studies. It’s called “Are we taking farmers seriously? A review of the literature on farmer perceptions and climate change, 2007–2018”. The answer to the question is no; not only does research tend not to take farmers’ understanding of climate change at all seriously, but it also tends to think of it far more colonially than one might anticipate. You can read the paper by clicking the link, or by contacting me if you don’t have library access.

Here’s a little bit of riparian blues:

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