For a totally up-to-date list of the peer-reviewed scientific articles I’ve published, please check my ResearchGate page.

If you can’t read any of these because of a paywall, please get in touch.

Schreiber, K., Soubry, B., Dove-McFalls, C., MacDonald, G., 2022. Diverse adaptation strategies helped local food producers cope with initial challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic: Lessons from Quebec, Canada. Journal of Rural Studies 90.

Soubry, B., Sherren, K., 2021. “You keep using that word…”: Disjointed definitions of resilience in food systems adaptation. Land Use Policy 114.

Rahman, T.H.R., Albizua, A., Tourangeau, W., Soubry, B, 2021. Using autonomous adaptation as a leverage point in sustainable climate adaptation. Climate Risk Management 34(1): 100376. DOI: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100376.

Soubry, B., Sherren, K., Thornton, T.F, 2020. Farming Along Desire Lines: Collective Action and Food Systems Adaptation to Climate Change. People and Nature. DOI:10.1002/pan3.10075

Soubry, B., Sherren, K., Thornton, T.F., 2020. Are we taking farmers seriously? A review of the literature on farmer perceptions and climate change, 2007-2018. Journal of Rural Studies. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.09.005